...Our operational system Windows is in turmoil. So sent emails may experience delays in response times . Thanks for your patience time folks as we resolve these issues.
Our previous address on line is very difficult to delete and or erase. This spells for a bit of havoc. For those that need to contact us, once I figure if I can be of any help, then I will hand over our location . I operate from my home , why I need to make sure to protect our home . Lastly , I operate via and by appointment only , and I
Our previous address on line is very difficult to delete and or erase. This spells for a bit of havoc. For those that need to contact us, once I figure if I can be of any help, then I will hand over our location . I operate from my home , why I need to make sure to protect our home . Lastly , I operate via and by appointment only , and I tend to be booked usually 1 week ahead of time , give and take. Email questions are responded to very quickly . I hope this helps.
Stereo Passion Int'
Linn Products, Majik DSM 4 int amplifier, all that come with, new demo, comes with remote and of course last generation streamer, was 5500.00 for 3,000.00 NO TAX. Cash only
Linn Products, Majik 140 floor standing speaker, in awesome walnut, unused, new not burned in, was 5,000.00 for for 2,800.00 NO TAX . MANY MORE LINN TO COME. CASH ONLY, NO TX
Okki Nokki record cleaner, barely used, mint, comes with box, 450.00 NO TX CASH ONLY
Linn Majik DS I streamer, Black, A 1 condition, with all options and box, 1 owner, gent upgraded, 4,250.00 for 800.00, Cash.
Beyer Dynamic DT 440 edition, yet again, not used, not burned in, no box, 300.00 for 120.00 cash
Antique Sound Lab, Tube OTL head phone amp, very rare, 3 tube pre, and sought after, 350.00
Musical Fidelity DVD-1 CD player, with remote, no box, 3,400.00 for 500.00 (I have the same model in my elaborate office system)
Musical Fidelity, TRIVISTA 21 DAC, no box, 1 owner, blemishes, fine working condition, 3,000.00 for 500.00 no TX
VPI, Scout turntable, in good condition, cartridge, Dynavector cart, a classic, price being worked out, 1,750.00, NOW 1,500.00. CASH no tax
Wireworld Equinox7 1.0 M/ RCA 240.00 for 140.00
Wireworld Jumpers, entry level to top, multiple termination, 50% off
Neotech 3004 Interconnect, 3.0 M, RCA, mint, 275.00 for 125.00
Advance Acoustique, tube DAC, approx 17 lbs, 12an7 tubes, XLR /RCA, 1,800.00 for 500.00 no TX // SOLD
NAD Headphones, VISA HP 50, mint, 85.00 for 40.00 no TX // SOLD
Adcom power amp 555ms classic power amps, mint, new mint demo, box, 1,399.00 for 700.00 plus TX
Atoll DAC 100, Black, new demo, with box 800.00 for 350.00 plus TX
Reference speaker cables, 15Ft, mint, spade all around, very substantial and heavy, Canadian made, 1,800.00 for 250.00 cash no TX
Audio Note Cobra, mint with box, consignment, remote, 8,250.00 for 4,800.00 NO TX
Audio Note, VX level XPR digital, new,. 75M, 600.00 no TX
Harbeth C 7ES-3, not XD, new mint demo, barely used was 5,700.00, REDUCED to 3000.00 plus tx (details below)
Audiolab 6000 integrated amp, REDUCED from 1,500.00 NOW 900.00 plus TX
REGA FONO, MC II, 475.00 for 250.00
Bryston 4B3, silver, 19" wide, green LED, mint, includes box and power cords, about 13 years left on warranty. 8,295.00 for 5,000.00 , cash no tax, I believe lowest priced 4B3 on the market , PENDING
Pathos Ethos, Hybrid int amplifier, 6922 tube pair, a powerful 130 WPC @ 8 ohms, a piece of visual art, unit is heavy and quite large, comes with remote and power cord and box, in very good condition. 7K for 3,300.00 // SOLD
Bryston BP 26 pre and BP 2 power supply, silver, come with box, no remote, Blue LED's on both units. 8,295.00 for 3,500.00, approx 10 years left on warranty.// PENDING
Kimber Bi Focal, very flexi/ sexi, 5 foot long pair, comes with WBT banana plugs, and box, over 2,200.00, this trade in pair in mint condition is... 800.00
P1, 2 silver units, retail 5 K new, 1 BLK... // 1 SOLD
1 demo P1 silver is 5K for 2.9k
AN/E stands, 1.4K for 650.00 for mint demos (( SOLD , NO E'S LEFT )) and 750.00 for new for 650.00 cash ALL are 1350.00 for 450.00 (( 2 LEFT ))
AN/Z, Walnut horn loaded, 94 DB, mint, 6.5K for 1.9K... NOW REDUCED 1.7K
AN C I/C, 1.0 meter, new, only 2 pairs remain (( SOLD ))
AN 2 level in wood finishturntable + AN 2 V lever arm,both sealed and very new, 6.5K + 2.7K arm for 4K + 1.6K arm (( SOLD ))
Musical Fidelity X Tube buffer, has a pair of TRIVISTA tubes, these last about 19,000 hours, extreme very low usage unit 250.00
ASONA Power cords, many, most standard 6 ft cords, new, 160.00 for 100.00 + tx (running low in stock)
ASONA Interconnects, 1.0 M and up, 110.00 average cost, these new models, 65.00 and up, lots of stock. (running low in stock)
Monitor Audio, NEW GOLD 100, new, piano finish, ribbed mahogoney, comes with boxes, 3,300.00 for 1,600.00 (NOW 1,400.00 + TX)
ASONA Speaker cable, pair, 15 foot, brand new with banana termination (1 pair left)
Audiolab, 6000 PLAY streamer, BLK, comes with box, remote, mint, used very little, NEW 870.00, for 550.00+ TX, now 400.00 (( SOLD ))
Audiolab power amps, Silver,monoblocks, 250 wpc, come with box and units are mint, very low usage, 3,600.00 pair for, now 1,800.00 PAIR + TX (( SOLD ))
Audiolab CD 8300, BLACK, mint with remote, NEVER used, found it in our back room as we moved out of our shop, 1,800.00 for 1,350.00 (( SOLD ))
Audiolab 6000a intergrated amp, comes with remote, phono and internal DAC, silver, 1,400.00 for 900.00... NOW 900.00 + TX
SEVERAL NEWPAIRS of NEWBlue Heaven and Red dawn 2.0 M INTERCONNECTS, from 225.00 to 575.00 EITHER DEMO OR NEW SEALED , some 1.0m avail, essentially 50% OFF
NEW SCEALED, Musical Fidelity, 100 headphones and 200 headphone @ 50% off
All kinds of mat platters, every kind, we have a lot like a ton's worth... all 30 % off, sorry... local sale only.
Room tubes, Bass units, 200.00 for both n/TX,local sale for both skews
JMR Abscise,Black, 8,990.00 - 40% = 4,945.00 + TX (NOW 4,495.00 + TX)
JMR Bliss Jubilee latest generation, NEW, in Cherry mint with box, 3,295.00 for 1,895.00 plus TX
JMR Lunna Jubile, Cherry (very rare), a Lucster fave, 3,990.00 +TX =now 2,195.00 + tx
Nordost Blue Heaven, several new pairs, 820.00 for 500.00 + TX
White Lightening 2.0M, 420.00 for 175.00 + TX.... 1pair left
Purple Flare, 2.0 M, 635.00 for 300.00 (1 pair left)
Blue Heaven, 2.0 M, 820.00 for 450.00 (several Pairs left)
Red Dawn, 2.0 M, 1,195.00 for 725.00 (several pairs left)
NORDOST Speaker DEMO CABLES (4 Meter lengthcharged @ 3M/L + disc and COC) NORDOST
White Lightening... 735.00 for 395.00, (NOW 290.00 + TX, 1 pair left)
Thorens TD 102 in Walnut, sealed box, never opened, 1,500.00 + tx, NOW 800.00, new IN BOX and latest models... (( NOW 800.00 + TX))
Target equivalent of R4 speakerstands, heavy and bulky, our floor models 950.00 for 500.00 cash
Lumin M 1 amplifier, with D 1 level steamer, 3,000 RETAIL , sealed and demo,50%off, Silver, boxes + tax (NOW 1,100.00 + TX)
Triangle speakers, all on inventory,only 1 pair of Triangle Australe left, ONLY 1 PAIR LEFT Black piano, comes with boxes and support plates,5,800.00 for 3,500.00 (NOW 2.800.00 + TX)
Tannoy REVOLUTION monitor,Dark Walnut,2 pairs available, Coax driver design, very well reviewed, 1,450.00 for 650.00 + tx (1 pair left)
Several speaker stands, nearly all reference level, overstocked, approx 3 -5 stands to liquidate, email us for details,
Kimber Model 10 AG (new GOLD) 500.00 for 180.00 no TX
Airtight AM 201, rare, collectors and a damn classic on top of that, Original edition, the one desired and spoken about, Mahogany top cover, a compliment of 12 tubes, metallic blue ceramic car paint chassis, plenty of reviews to be read, includes box, much better than the new comparable model with metal cover, its replacement of today, 5 star reviews all the way, 6,600.00 when this edition was available, this one is 2,000.00, cash
Classe DR Brick, used on my beloved DR 3 way back when. Shows some signs of oxidization, weigh approx. 12 or so KG. Very rare, one see's some here and there every few years, can be used on all types of amplifiers. An easy breezy 140.00 cash deal, selling under the price of all other bricks I have seen. Must have for 140.00 Local pick up. (( SOLD ))
YBA 3 Delta preamplifier, Black plate, mint with box, remote, 3,400.00 for 900.00 (( SOLD ))
Copland CTA 405, super all tube integrated, Much power, approx. 70 wpc, all tube MM phono stage with 4 tubes, KT 120 tubes, Silver face plate, remote and box, in new state over 7k, this one3,500.00 + tx
Klipch Palladium 17F stand mount, 94 DB’s, Class A in several magazines, extremely musical, in dark walnut, comes with box, when new, were 5,750.00 now these for 2,200.00 (( SOLD ))
Sonoran Signature, With VDH RCA's, very smooth and textured, 2.0 Meter, 250.00 no tax
Harmonicteck Truth Link, 1.5 meter, With Neoteck RCA's, flexible, 200.00 no tax
Kimber Selekt 3037,Silver Speaker cables, 8 footers, WBT spades all around, 15,000.00, was 5,750.00, now these 5,000.00 no tax
Advance Acoustique, 705 mono blocks power amps, 250 wpc, CLASS A and A/B, comes with boxes, virtually new, 4,000.00 for 1,500.00, NO TAX, CASH DEAL
TRI-ART, Cd player, new demo, Remote, inc box, 990.00 for 620.00 + tx
TRI-ART, PHONO amp MM / MC, new demo, extremely musical, 550.00 for 340.00 + tx
ADCOM, 555MS, power amplifier, new demo, barely used, inc box, 1,200.00 for 700.00 + TX
ADCOM, GFP Preamp with MM/MC phono stage, NEW DEMO, barely used, 1,050.00 for 700.00 + TX
Monitor Audio, NEW Gold 100, Stunning Ebony, end of line, comes with box and 1 year warranty, 2,800.00 for/now 1,600.00 + TX (( SOLD ))
Vintage stuff, some may be still available
Reference 3A De capo BE, 2.5 year old, mint with box, 4,000.00 USD or about 5,500.00 CDN, 2,750.00 + TX,
Line Magnetic 218 amp, comes with 845 beam power tubes, very good condition, low hours, comes with box and remote. Geared to sell.... (( SOLD ))
Isoclean Fuses, we guarantee providence, these are the real things, 75.00 for 45.00 TX
Advance Acoustique, Black level amplifier, mint, used in Office system, approx. use of a few hundred hours, comes with box, remote, power cords, used very little, bought new from us, 850.00, this one 400.00 (( SOLD ))
Kimber Selekt 3038 Silver speaker cable, 8 footers, WBT spade to spade comes with original case, 15,000.00
Klipsch Play Fi amplifier, internal phono which can be deactivated, 100 wpc Class D, streaming capabilities, 192K /24 bits, relatively new product, 1 owner, remote include, very good condition, sells for 699.99, ours is 275.00 + TX NOW 150.00 cash deal only (( SOLD ))
Headphones, NAD, VISO, RED, LIKE NEW, less than approx. 6 hours use, no tax, no trades, this sells for 180.00 too 250.00 on Amazon, this pair 140.00 no tax, cash deal, NOW 100.00
Xindak speaker cable, 8 ft lengh, same design as Alpha Goertz, rich and textured sound, 800.00 for 225.00 no tax
Musical Fidelity, MX DAC, comes with box, mint, used barely, our last unit, 1,300.00, this one 600.00, still available and current on the new market. Cash deal // SOLD
REGA DAC, NON R version, trade in, Black, mint, with box, 500.00 // SOLD
Musical Fidelity CD 6 S, silver, low use, demo with box etc, 3,800.00 for 2,400.00 incl TX ((
Myryad Cd player, MX level, multiple POYA award winner, Black finish, was 3,000.00, this unit is 1,800.00 (( SOLD ))
Shure SRH1840 Headphones: Top of the line high resolution and high efficiency open back headphones in ultra mint barely broken in condition with all accessories and packaging, asking $300
Totem Rainmaker, mahogony, one owner, no boxes, $600.00 (( SOLD ))
Advance Acoustic MAA-705 monoblock power, 4,000.00 amplifier (pair), 200 watts FOR 2,000.00
Advance Acoustic MDA-503, tube DAC, balanced output, $ 800.00 // SOLD
McIntosh Air, all in one table top system, in mint condition, come with remote and box, is approx 3,300.00 for 2,100.00, now 1900.00 (( SOLD ))
TOTEM ARRO, in Cherry finish, very good/near mint condition with box and support plates, recent trades, these will sell for 700.00, NOW 600.00. Interested, please let us know ahead of time as we do not keep this box on our premise’s due to its size. (( SOLD ))
Advance Acoustic 705 mono block power amps, 200 wpc, discontinued, very little use, boxes, $4000.00, now $2200.00
Advance Acoustic 406 power amplifier, a classic AA product, 100 wpc, mint, $2000.00 for $1100.00 // SOLD
Air Tight ATM 201, real classic, 8 x EL84, wood casing, highly sought after, should sell quickly $2800.00 3 units available // SOLD
Linn Movie 05 music and movie centre, silver, 1 owner, mint condition, box, remote, new $4800.00 for $1750.00 // SOLD
Various LP 12 parts for sale, all good condition, all 1 owner, all priced well, please call for more detail, georgous wood base, one of the nicest I have seen in 20 years of working as a pro on LP 12’s (for local sale only, we will not ship parts elsewhere). NONE LEFT , ALL SOLD
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