Moreover SPI still has an insane amount of on dislay gear , and I still offer services rendered no where else. Of this we are certain . The biggest challenges we face is wait times from our suppliers. When we 3 get togeher, we 3 still have much fun. We realize its a **** pie sandwich existence, but we manage to feel much pleasure serving you all.
...were always on the ball ;-)
SPI has seen competitors come and go where this line is concerned . SPI has several dealer of the year awards both with Linn and Naim even more.
... simply 2 channel audio .
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At Stereo-Passion, we are passionate about audio and providing the highest quality products to our customers. SPI continues work with our suppliers , and further our quest in supporting 2 ch audio in our region .
Stereo-Passion has over 33 years of experience in the audio industry at the retail level .
We do specialize at 2 levels , in the world of Single ended triode and the Linn LP 12 .
SPI has some NEW ProAc models , that are the latest on display .
In all , SPI possesses 5 different levels of Naim systems . Quite a lot conidering where our economy is at .
Your SPI has several full Naim streaming engines and driver stage ( internal amplifier )
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