New models for Magneplanars, yet again. (02/08)
New replacements for the entire line up or close to it. The last one to be renewed or updated is the .7s that have barely come out at this time. More transparency and a more precise sound. These boys historically have consistently improved on their older models, with little price increase.
A gem of a company as far as high end goes.
Still burning in, our Naim Super Nait 3 (02/08)
Our Naim SN 3 amp, is just about ready to play openly. We still have about 200 or so hours to go. Once completed, I will of course let you know guys. We do also have more Naim amps, power supplies and sources.
In the next short while, I will have on hand a healthy amount of stock of the quite popular LRS + model in Black finish. We have yet to see an order of White being ordered. Once received, I will advise when the cycle starts and constancy in ordering will be the order of the day, so I don't run out of these.
This Magne planar model has already received best speaker of all times by several online as well as published magazines. Great You Tube vids as well.