We'd like...
...to thank all who got excited after receiving news that we were going back into full-time mode rather than part-time work. Your response was greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to sensing where I go with our brands. Some will be integrated as new and a few, one or two tops, will be leaving us. The audio world is getting very unsafe and rather fragile. Just an opinion I am throwing out there. Some very old and well-known retailers are closing out right East of us.
Our hours will be posted in a few short days, with a start date later this week. I may even change the website and make it simpler, yet again. We welcomed a few new lines about a week ago and or new models thereby shoring up those lucky enough to see money from us. Musical Fidelity and Focal will be the ticket we say. Linn and Naim should both see line ups being expanding in significant fashion. These are meant to replace those few lines that will go elsewhere. We take note that few of our lines have been undertaken by others, with one exception.
Start date for our new permanent hours will start on the 26th of September. Chat you fella's soon enough. Ciao.
We're back in full time mode ;) 1/09/2024 :
As we enter September, we would like to alert to the fact that we will be working towards the most active and reachable full-time basis. There will be a phone number attached to our website and we will have actual daily hours that will imitate close to our previous hours. My new back meds have allowed me to entertain this. Of course, some days, may be lost for the same reason . The good thing here, is that I will be reachable for day time hours. Many suppliers have stayed with us through my challenges with my medical back issues these last 18 months. I'm happy to be back full time and at your service.
There remains quite a bit of work to do so I can guarantee our successful return into full-time fold. More information will follow by the end of the 1st week of September. Kris and Roger remain on standby for this present move
Take care
No great deed goes unpunished (25/08)
Last week just as we were getting started, we were suddenly slapped with inoperable internet and phone for about 5 full days. We will eventually catch up in the coming days. Apologies dudes. We're back into the fold as it were.
We're here... (15/08).
After much warnings, we have begun changing our website. These changes should start by this weekend or early next week. We have seen much change since the pandemic onward. This should be no surprise. But for sure these will last quite some time. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Do take care folks.
Our "on display" Linn LP 12 (Akurate/ Selekt level) will be on display sometime this September. Should owners of Linn LP 12's further, I will slide in a Lucster nip and tuck of your LP 12. There was a really nice offer from Linn and your dealer (all) dealers actually. Sadly, and without surprise, people stayed quiet on this offer with our sweet and hot summer. So here is your chance to get a nip and tuck only, in order to get your LP 12' ready for the upcoming listening season. Sign up and send an email to reserve your limited spot Ok fellows.
As promised, come late September, we will demo a 1st AN demo system. We still possess much by way of AN gear. Like I mean a lot. I'm looking forward to even plug in a rare and new 300B Meishu amplifier. I'll take some promo pics, of course and place these pic's on line. Once set up, our AN-E's will be also on demonstration. This set up will likely stay in place about a month or so.
My most used piece...
I'm a huge fan of the Uniti STAR, at this time. An all-in once player that is somewhat easy on the ears and your pocket book (somewhat as we are talking Naim. I'm equally a huge fan of the Nait 5SI). Both will be playing in a near future.
New models for Magneplanars, yet again. (02/08)
New replacements for the entire line up or close to it. The last one to be renewed or updated is the .7s that have barely come out at this time. More transparency and a more precise sound. These boys historically have consistently improved on their older models, with little price increase.
A gem of a company as far as high end goes.
Still burning in, our Naim Super Nait 3 (02/08)
Our Naim SN 3 amp, is just about ready to play openly. We still have about 200 or so hours to go. Once completed, I will of course let you know guys. We do also have more Naim amps, power supplies and sources.
Change is on occasion good (15/07)
As we are looking forward ahead, upon our return back from a quite hot vacay this July, it will be high time to pursue some changes in our pipe line.
We did warn our clients of these changes as far back as 2/3 or so months ago.
These changes will affect the way we do things , in a big way. So it is understandable that we warn you folks again, as well as thanking you all in advance as we mix things up in an increasing changing world of ours.
A kind thanks folks .
Long summer... (25/06)
We all know the beginnings of summer this year makes it a long un-eventful summer. No surprises for all of us. The guys at my side, as well as I, will be "gone fishing" for the month of July. Our Clearance page will be taken off as well. We may respond to service emails from our clients.
So, we wish you all the best in your "gone fishing trip". We'll be back in late August, you will know by our website coming back refurbished in late July. Stay safe folks.
July is just about here.
In and about the 26/27th of June, both Quebec and Canada will be in for long weekends. We shall be, Roger and I, busy upon our return by about months end ( July that is ).
There is much going on as the world turns, a great many changes that we all have to contend with. All I know is that I will be playing my Naim system and with all the heat we will live through this summer, tubes are being barred from playing in my home till September. I will be working around the house, on those days that my back will allow me.
Consequently, do not expect much activity after the above dates. I am hearing big names shops are presently closing or have begun too already permanently close. It's tough out there, I have lost a few of my fave restaurants, they are gone. It is what it is, especially when you sell non-essential goods.
Now that I have said this much, I would want to wish our clients a great summer with your family and friends. Stay safe.
Higher response times (09/06).
I've changed my response times when I receive any mail and this, since early May. Our sales cycles have started very late this year. In fact, June. A first if I remember correctly. Roger and I will be responding more quickly. Roger advised me that our operating system for our website will see some issues earlier than what we've been told (read below articles for more detailed info). Not sure what these changes will spell for us. I assume we will know shortly folks.
Coming in with JMR Abscise speakers for this summer (09/06).
`It's been a while folks, so it is time to place the gems in proper placement so they can sing, rather than being hidden out of view in my home. Having sold a few pairs which means we do well as these are not inexpensive speakers. I still maintain that I carry a lot or reference speakers, more so than any of our competitors in this city. Ah guys, when you have it, flaunt it and show it off I say ;). I have the near total line in stock for Ottawa/ Gatineau.
Switching to Naim system (09/06)
By mid-June, I will have a Naim Super Nait 3 amplifier playing ($7,300.00) as well as a Naim streamer on the go as well. Let's not forget a loaded Linn LP 12 that will take up the analogue duties. Looking forward to it, folks.
...then come July, I will switch to Linn Klimax level gear (top level for Linn) and then to Audio Note (in the higher ground of AN skews), so as we enter summer, I will be enjoying much music with you fine folks ;).
New promotion from Linn, for a limited time only (28/05)
Our Linn Lp 12 fans should have received a newsletter from Linn. Please do read up on it, one can save quite a bit actually. Should you have any questions and should you want to go over your LP 12, so you can figure something out, send me a mail, and I will be happy to communicate with you.
What's Up Lucster ? (28/05).
Some of you asked why am I being so quiet... I would have thought this silence would have been a god send for most of you ;). I'm quiet, because the business is on the quiet side, and many times I am tending to my back health. This is a day-by-day exercise. Some of you do visit me for their Lucster fix, with coffee of course. I am more than pleased to receive my friend's home. There you can see firsthand how bloody sick I am with this hobby / love of ours. I still have more than most/ all shops in Ottawa, it's a sickness I say. New faces and or clients, I will get to know you a bit first, before I invite you in. Something everybody will understand.
Should I not get with you the same day, its most likely a back health issue or it's a weekend day.
Bargains page (28/05)
Is now active and yes, we have added quite a lot of stock already. It's on line now, with more added pretty soon.
I will repeat because its important (28/05)
Our website's operating system will be rendered useless by end of year, at the latest we are told. This may call certain renderings to our clients into question. I still don't know what this means overall. As summer wears on, Roger and I will figure something out. Additionally, it will surprise no one, that market conditions at all levels of the market place, may make us deem certain things no longer viable. We will see when we get there.
While it is... ( 15/05 )
...a little quiet lately, we remain quite reachable on a near immediate basis on my business cell. Many of you may not have known this. Another bit of big news heading our way now, we were advised that our operating system for our website will be dissed by the gods of high Tek companies. This concerns everybody that operates on Drupal 7 and 8, I believe. This means at years end of 2024 ; our website's operational system will end. Without upgrading into a newer and fresher system, our website will be rendered into a blob of questionable value, inoperable as it were. Roger and I will see where we go from here. Everything is on the table.
Our Bargains page will remain constant at this time, however, with the constant updates by Roger will be slowed down, as he has much work on his back with his other job. He will go to the next level very soon. This website will begin to see less work done by Roger, he has told me.
Time does move on, and with everything happening around us, 2024 seems to be moving rather quickly ;).
Interesting sight (15/05).
Noticed that many local shops are advertising companies they no longer represent now ever for that matter. It's a new thing in our industry. I don't know why this is. What I do know is that I will be cleansing our back yard as some folks have closed and moved on with life. Nothing wrong with that. Our cleaning should happen just about when you start reading our new mid May updates. Ok folks, chat you guys up in a brief few weeks times ;).
Our Uniti Star is soon to be replaced with our on display Linn system as advertized.
We're forging ahead folks.
The beginning of 2024 has been quiet, go and figure this one out guys ;). We have taken this downtime and forged ahead in our buying behaviors in order to supplement our clients. A first for us, we will be carrying stock of our LRS+ Maggie speakers in Black only. Also the wait times have been drastically reduced. Why I am not surprised, with the present times. Also we will be adding a few other models of the same company, including our highly popular 1.7i speakers.
We should hopefully receive these models, in the next few week's time.
Good news for our clients. We will be carrying on the spot stock of the Maggie LRS + model in Black only. White colored models are to be ordered at time of purchase. I am expecting more info on wait times very soon folks.
We're adding more Naim to our mix. Let's keep this reasonable with few exceptions.
Clearance page (09/04).
Our massive Clearance page is now updated and reloaded.
Contact times.
Most will have noticed that we can be reached like any other shop . I may even be contactable on Sun/Monday. It will depend on my availability or my back. Choose your pick folks, but the word is now out. It's a good step in the right direction.
Times are changing...
No sooner did we reduce our website in order to give it a fresher read at a later date, that people took it that we were about to close. So Roger and I rushed the new updates. We are not closed just yet. Yes, we noticed a lot happening that would be categorized as "economic news", but it does start nor end here. Our industry equally lost a well-known figure just a few short months ago. We lost the well-known and respected Gerard Rejskind just before Xmas. He was a class act. I knew he had health issues, most that knew this remained silent in order to respect his families privacy. I will still taken by surprise that he had passed away. Our industry here in Canada lost a giant. Condolences to family and close ones. Gerard was a very good man.
Onto a new leaf, our website will forge ahead with the advent of a fresher and newer information platform. As this is being written, the Montreal audio show is taking place. I hope it does well. As I look afar, I will be hoping we are successful with the directions that Roger and I take on this website. Wish us both luck. Lastly our Clearance page will come back in early April.
Happy Easter everyone ;)
We seemed to have forgotten to advise our clients, that we replaced our demo AN Cobra with a new model. Now ON DISPLAY. Also pricing on all AN product has increased as well. No surprised really.
Our market place.
As the world turns, our market place is in fact changing. So much has changed and not so much for the better. So many dealers are advertising audio wares that they don't carry nor have. Our audio market has in effect become very muddy indeed. Then add human politics to the mix. Our promise remains the same we've held since we began wat back when well over 30 years ago. If we chat about it on our website, we have it or had it on display. We equally know it.
I never would have thought that I would have seen the level of absurdity I see in our market place, it's all over. I think there is a price to be paid over the long term. I will mind our peas and carrots, and take care of my own back yard and clients. Some, or many still support us. I thank you for this support. Business is an experiment that changes with the tides, lets us get our eyes ready for the upcoming Eclipse, the dark side of the moon. Perhaps we will be able to see a glimmer in the darkness that is visiting us in a overarching way.
Happy listening and bottoms up.
PS : I have been listening to a lot of Naim lately. Tubes have begun to enter the mix, adding a warm glow in a darkish time is comforting. I wish you all the same folks.